Book review: The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier – A Practical Guide for Better Conversations
The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier is a fantastic book for managers, leaders, and anyone who has regular conversations at work. This easy-to-read book provides practical tips and strategies for having more meaningful and productive dialogues.
I recently finished reading The Coaching Habit and wanted to share my key takeaways and actionable advice from the book. Read on for my complete review with insights on how you can become a better coach and communicator.
The main premise of The Coaching Habit is that we often give advice when we should be asking curious questions instead. By asking the right questions and actively listening, you allow others to find their own solutions.
Some of the key coaching questions highlighted in the book include:
- What’s on your mind?
- And what else?
- What’s the real challenge here for you?
- What do you want?
- How can I help?
These simple but thought-provoking questions open up conversations and lead to more meaningful interactions.
My Favorite Quotes and Takeaways:
“Advice-giving is the worst habit you could possibly practice as a manager or leader.” This resonated with me because I often jump in too quickly to solve problems when coaching my team.
“If you fill people’s empty time with your continual advice, suggestions, reminders and teaching, you’ll crowdsource their jobs back to yourself.” Powerful insight! I need to step back and give my people room to share what’s on their minds.
I also loved the simple framework provided – Ask, Listen, and Empathize. First uncover what’s happening through questions, give the person your full attention when they share, then relate to their challenge through empathy before trying to solve anything.
Who Should Read The Coaching Habit:
This book would benefit new managers looking to transition from an individual contributor role to leading teams. It’s also an excellent refresher for experienced managers who want tips for improving their conversational capability.
Coaches and mentors can apply these practical coaching skills as well. And anyone aspiring to leadership should add The Coaching Habit to their reading list too.
Recommendation and Call to Action:
I highly recommend The Coaching Habit to anyone who regularly has conversations, meetings, one-on-ones, and interviews. The easy-to-use coaching model will elevate your communication skills.
Try asking the suggested questions for one week and see what happens! You may be surprised by how much you learn about your people by listening first.
Pick up a copy of The Coaching Habit here to become a better leader through the power of coaching questions. You and your team will be glad you did.
About the Author:
Michael Bungay Stanier is the founder and CEO of Box of Crayons, a coaching company that helps organizations develop better leaders. He’s an expert on coaching, leadership development, organizational development, culture change, and unlocking people’s potential.
With an MBA from Oxford and a self-professed curiosity for questioning the status quo, Michael has become a leading voice in the coaching industry. He’s the author of several bestselling books including Do More Great Work, The Coaching Habit, and his newest book, Advice That Sticks. Michael’s powerful insights and practical wisdom have made him a highly sought-after keynote speaker too.
His articles reaching over 50 million readers each year, Michael is clearly making an impressive impact. His expertise on coaching and unlocking human potential by asking better questions help set him apart as an authority in the field.
Let me know in the comments if you read this impactful book and what you thought of it! I’m curious to hear your key takeaways as well.
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