Avoid Wishful Thinking – Set Proper Stretch Goals

Yes, another new year brings fresh motivation to envision intoxicating goals causing daydreams that fizzle by February. Why? Wishful thinking never manifests. Progress demands proper goal setting – the SMART strategic kind catapulting change.

S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Achievable
R = Relevant
T = Timebound

This framework fuels Olympians, entrepreneurs, and anyone achieving beyond limitations.

As motivational guru Tony Robbins said: “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

Elements of SMART Goal Setting

The “S” demands specificity. Generic ambitions disguise fear of focus. Define explicit outcomes, tasks and metrics marking success.

“What do I want to accomplish? Who needs to be involved? Why exactly am I aiming for this?”

Measurability provides essential candid feedback revealing what’s working, what’s wishful and when to adjust course. Metrics minimize debate through tangible data.

“How can I track progress? What are milestones confirming I’m on pace? How will I know if adjustments are needed?”

Next assess achievability. Goals should require significant effort while remaining feasible through clear capacity building steps. Identify needed resources and roadblocks to address over time while mapping progression plan from current reality to summit success.

“Realistically where am I now regarding capabilities needed? What are step-by-step elevation points achieving this? How will I access vital knowledge/tools/teams?”

Relevance ensures alignment between goals and core motivations like serving family or actualizing talents. Without resonance, required efforts feel draining.

“How does this expand my strengths and passions? Will achieving this inspire my best self?” asks influencer Lewis Howes.

Finally, timelines create constructive impatience lighting fires under complacency. Calculate deadlines considering variables that may accelerate or inhibit hit targets.

Becoming SMART-er About Your Goals

Review draft goals asking hard questions revealing gaps between ideal objectives versus wishful fantasies. interrogating from every angle crystallizes credible game plans, exposing assumptions requiring attention before launch.

What SPECIFIC outcome would represent mission accomplished? How will you MEASURE progress and necessary tweaks? Are skills/capacity in place for this to be ACHIEVABE or are incremental elevations required? Does this align with core motivations making effort RELEVANT even amid challenges? Is the TIMEFRAME realistic respecting life variables that stall steady pace?

Get brutally honest. Then augment approach accordingly.

Famed coach John Wooden upheld “setting goals is the difference between wishing and making transformation happen.”

The Surprising Power of Stretch Goals

Scientific research proves that while incremental progress goals keep us comfortable, big transformational goals demand new identity, skills and behaviors catalyzing exponential change.

Leaders know the power of defining inspiring North Star missions then building ladders on the way. Laser focus on far horizons challenges limited thinking, awakening untapped potential to rise.

Stretch goals compel us to show up boldest, truest, smartest. So be a goalsetting rebel – when everyone plays safe with modest gains, you courageously establish the audacious extraordinary.

This year resolve to avoid underwhelming incrementalism. Define your mountaintop, grasp why it matters and map milestones realizing big vision one step at a time. You’ll be surprised how swiftly skies part when committing goals to propel dreams into being.

It’s your turn – What lingering dreams demand bold goals and milestone markers to meet their match? I dare you to dig deeper than ever before – name the change you crave then detail an inspiring vision together with timeline stages holding you accountable to measurable progress. No more armchair wishing – transform tractionless hopes into tactical high-achievement strategy.

Yes, this requires bravery bordering on insanity at first glance. But fortune favors the bold and big change awaits. I double dog dare you to start SMART goal journaling now – then share your revelations in the comments! Let’s lift each other higher through the accountability of transparent vision setting.

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